오늘은 대한민국 광복절 입니다.


오늘은 광복절입니다. 오늘은 일제 36년의 식민지 시절, 대한민국의 독립을 위해 희생하신 순국 선열 및 일제의 핍박속에서도 대한인의 긍지를 잃지않았던 우리 국민모두가 대한민국을 되찾은 날입니다. 우리 조상들의 희생을 기억하며 자유대한민국의 영원한 발전을 기원합니다.

안중근 의사와 유관순 열사
항복 서류에 사인하는 일본 왕

Today is Liberation Day of Korea. During the colonial period of 36 years from Japan, Korean people had terrible life in Korea because of Japanese colonial rule. There were activists who lost their lives for saving Korea from Japanese rule. After the Emperor of Japan declared surrender, the Republic of Korea became independent county from Japan.After the Korean Peninsula was liberated by the Allies in 1945, independent Korean governments were created three years later, on 15 August 1948, when the pro-U.S. Syngman Rhee was elected first President of South Korea and pro-Soviet Kim Il-sung was made first Leader of North Korea. Photos about surrdening of Japanese Emperor in front of US Ofificial and Korean activisits. Information by Wikipidia and namu wiki.

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